Climate Change

Is the Paris Agreement Good?

Is the Paris Agreement Good?

This is a landmark agreement for world leaders to promise strengthening global climate efforts. It established the mechanisms in which to hold countries accountable.

Is Climate Change An Environmental Problem?

Is Climate Change An Environmental Problem?

First, let us look at the effects climate change is having on humans because we are part of the environment on Earth. 

Is Climate Change Heating the World Evenly?

Is Climate Change Heating the World Evenly?

Studies have demonstrated that the global temperature has risen 1 degree Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, but is climate change heating the world evenly? In short, no – this statistic is merely an average for the entire world; some regions are heating faster, while others are a bit slower…

Is Climate Change Hurting Polar Bear Populations?

Is Climate Change Hurting Polar Bear Populations?

We have all seen the posters with the really cute-looking polar bears on them hanging up around schools and buildings.  These posters are made either by concerned citizens or nonprofit organizations looking to raise awareness for the plight of polar bears as the ice caps are melting.  But are polar bears actually going extinct because…

Is climate change caused by greenhouse gases?

Is Climate Change Caused By Greenhouse Gases?

Humans influence the environment. Ninety-seven percent of scientists and researchers agree with the previous statement.  The most significant influence that humans have on the environment is through burning fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases.  These greenhouse gases then enter our atmosphere and change the equilibrium that the Earth naturally produces in its process of releasing…

Is climate change a natural phenomenon?

Is climate change a natural phenomenon?

Everyone knows those people who like to argue for the sake of arguing, right? They find joy in getting under people’s skin whether they believe in the subject they are defending or not.  The people who argue that the climate crisis we are facing is just a natural phenomenon are examples of these people.  I…

Is The Climate Change Issue Getting Better?

Is The Climate Change Issue Getting Better?

We have the choice to choose a better future for not only ourselves but also for the generations to come.  If we choose to ignore the blatant problem of climate change, discomfort will take over our lives.  I don’t know about you, but I like to think I can join together and make a difference….

5 Environmental Impact of Electric Cars

5 Environmental Impact of Electric Cars

The quest for sustainability and a greener environment keeps driving innovations to new levels.  One of the not-so-recent but rapidly improving innovations is that of the electric car.  Gasoline-fueled cars are one of the primary sources of emission in the environment, and the sheer number of these vehicles on the road doesn’t help matters.  However,…



Earth Overshoot Day is the date each year when we have used more from nature than it can possibly renew in the entire year.  A scary fact is that this date changes each year.  It gets earlier and earlier due to the fact that we are using Earth’s natural resources faster and faster without regard…

How To Debunk Misconception About Climate Change

How To Debunk Misconception About Climate Change – 13 Myth You Need to Know

Why is climate change so hard to tackle?  I continuously have to ask myself this question when researching the topic and its various puzzling questions.  Not only is climate change a highly debatable topic, but there are also people trying to spread lies about it every day to promote their skin in the game of…