Green Orbits
The Beginner Guide for Renewable Energy
Fossil fuels are mixes of animal remains and fossilized plants that date back millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years ago.
And even though solar panels are good to have in our homes for cleaner air, they are still made from toxins, aka fossil fuels.
So, since no life has so far appeared on any other planets, their resources wouldn’t be considered fossil fuel.
If this subject confuses you as it does many people, I have just what you are looking for in this article.
You have probably come across the fact that the use of renewable energy is developing at high speed while fossil fuels are slowly diminishing.
Fossil fuels are a good example of carbon. You can find them on limestone and similar carbonate rocks.
Fossil fuels have been a popular topic in recent years, and some people believe it will run out soon while others believe it is an endless supply.
What has come up more often than not, is the discussion around fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.
As a result, it is a non-renewable resource. We will run out of fossil fuels if we continue to consume vast amounts of them.
Solar energy costs have fallen dramatically in the last 25 years. In fact, they’re approaching parity with conventional fossil fuels. Different factors play a greater role in determining the cost of each energy. The main one includes the resources and technologies used to harness each type of energy. In this guide, we will compare the…